How to tighten the FSD bolt for Ooni 3 Gas Burner
July 12 2024 8:46am • Est. Read Time: 2 MIN
If you experience the flame cutting out with your Ooni 3 Gas Burner, it's important to carefully follow the outlined steps in this article (The flame in my Ooni Gas Burner is cutting out) before proceeding with the following instructions.
Your oven has a built-in safety feature known as an FSD (Flame Supervision Device). This mechanism automatically shuts off the gas supply if the thermocouple fails to register a sufficiently high temperature.
Over time, the FSD bolt connecting to the thermocouple might gradually loosen. This loosening can potentially cause your flames to unexpectedly cut out. Regularly checking and tightening the FSD bolt can help ensure the consistent and safe operation of your oven.
Step 1 - Position the gas burner. Gently lay your Ooni 3 gas burner upside-down on a soft surface.
Step 2 - Loosen the washer. Using a 10mm (5/32") spanner or adjustable wrench, loosen the washer. This will make tightening the FSD bolt so much easier.
Step 3 - Tighten the bolt. To secure a connection, use your hand to tighten the bolt as much as you can. Then use a 8mm (5/16") spanner or adjustable wrench to tighten it a quarter turn more:
Step 4 - Tighten the washer. To keep the bolt in place, use your hand to tighten the washer as much as you can. Then use a 10mm spanner or adjustable wrench to tighten it a quarter turn more:
Step 5 - Fire up. Insert the gas burner into the oven, check your setup is correct, attach the regulator to the gas tank and ignite.
If the above advice hasn't worked, we can still help, please resume the next steps in the main troubleshooting article: The flame in my Ooni Gas Burner is cutting out.