My Ooni Karu 2 Pro is producing lots of smoke/soot.

October 1 2024 9:30am

If cooking with solid fuels:

When cooking with solid fuels, there will always be some smoke and soot produced. You can minimize this by following the tips below:

  • Use hardwood instead of softwood (our Ooni Premium Assorted Oak Pack is perfect).

  • Start out by adding a base layer of lumpwood charcoal with around 4-5 small logs on top.

  • Only remove the door when launching, turning or removing your pizza.

  • Ensure the chimney baffles are open.

  • Position your oven so that any wind enters through the back instead of the front.

  • Only add more wood when you need a spike in temperature (don’t overfill the fuel tray).  

If cooking with gas:

When using your gas burner with Ooni Karu 2 Pro, a small amount of smoke/soot can be expected while your oven and stone are preheating. Once your oven has reached top temperatures, this should disappear.

Cleaning the soot from the glass:

We always recommend to wait until your oven has completely cooled down before cleaning the glass. Using a dry paper towel or microfibre cloth will be all that you need to wipe away any soot. You may also use a Doby or Scotchbrite pad for cleaning it when cooled. 

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