Ooni Fyra 12 isn't getting hot enough

July 9 2024 3:39pm • Est. Read Time: 2 MIN
The ideal temperature for cooking pizza in an Ooni is between 400ºc and 450ºC (753ºF to 852ºF) in the middle of the stone baking tray. We recommend that you use an infrared thermometer to measure the temperature, as it provides the most accurate reading: Ooni Digital Infrared Thermometer.

Begin by running through the checklist below:

  • Use hardwood pellets or EN Plus A1 accredited softwood pellets (our Ooni Premium Pizza Oven Pellets are perfect).

  • Keep the door on at all times, except when adding or removing food

  • Make sure the hopper lid is closed when not adding pellets

  • Make sure the chimney baffle is in the open position

  • Make sure your pellets are completely dry

  • Make sure you're not adding too many pellets at a time

  • Make sure you're not forcing pellets down the hopper

  • Make sure your oven has at least a 1-meter clearance around the oven 

  • Make sure suitable airflow can through the rear of the oven

To maintain your fire and reach top temperatures in Ooni Fyra 12, follow the steps below:

  1. Load up your fuel tray with pellets and a firestarter:

  2. Light the firestarter, then insert the fuel tray into the rear of your oven (make sure your chimney scoop/cap is removed, your chimney baffle is fully open, your hopper lid is closed, and your oven door is closed)

  3. Give the pellets around 10-15 minutes to be fully lit before adding more pellets. You can use the viewing hole on the door to check its progress. 

  4. Add a small amount of pellets every 3 minutes or so - you mustn't add too many pellets at once. You should be adding this amount of pellets every time you top up:

  5. Tap the hopper with your chimney scoop/cap every time you add pellets to make sure none get stuck (make sure the door is closed when doing this)

  6. Keep adding pellets little and often until your hopper reaches the top.

  7. Once your hopper reaches this level, it will last about 15-20 minutes. Make sure you continue topping up little and often during this time to maintain your fire which should look like this:

Watch the video below for more helpful tips:

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