Why does my pizza taste bitter?

August 2 2024 9:26am

If your pizza has a bitter taste, this usually means that there’s excess flour on your baking stone.

When flour burns → it becomes bitter

Follow the tips below to prevent this from happening:

Tip 1. Use less flour when stretching out your dough

  • You only need a light dusting of flour on your peel / surface.

Tip 2. Use semolina instead of flour

  • Semolina is more coarse than flour, which means it won’t burn as easily.

Tip 3. Use the Ooni Perforated Peel

  • The perforations allow flour / semolina to fall through.

Tip 4. Clean your baking stone

  • Cleaning your baking stone will prevent burnt flour / semolina from building up.

To clean your baking stone:

  • Let your oven cool down completely.
  • Scrape off debris using the Ooni Pizza Oven Brush.
  • Flip your stone over and reinsert it for the next cook. The heat from the oven should be enough to burn off any remaining residue while you’re making pizzas.
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