Gas hose and regulator maintenance
March 5 2025 5:05pm • Est. Read Time: 2 MINProperly maintaining your gas hose and regulator for your Ooni Pizza Oven is important for safety and longevity. Here are some tips to help you look after them:
1. Regular Inspections
Hose: Check the hose regularly for signs of wear, cracks, or leaks. Bends and exposure to sunlight can cause it to degrade over time.
Regulator: Inspect the regulator for any signs of damage, rust, or blockages.
2. Leak Tests
Before each use, inspect the gas hose connections at both the regulator and the oven (as shown below) for leaks. Apply a soapy water mixture to these connections using a spray bottle or sponge, then turn on the gas without igniting the oven. If bubbles form, this indicates a leak. Tighten the connections or replace any faulty parts as necessary to resolve the issue.
For more information on how to perform a gas leak test, see here: How do I perform a gas leak test?
3. Cleaning
Keep the regulator and hose clean by wiping them down with a damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals, which can damage the hose or corrode the regulator.
Ensure no dirt or debris enters the regulator, as it can block the flow of gas.
4. Storage
Store your oven or gas burner in a dry, well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, when not in use. To protect your Ooni Pizza Oven from rain and sun, consider using a suitable cover.
During severe weather conditions, such as heavy snow, frost, or freezing temperatures, it’s recommended to store your oven indoors. If indoor storage isn’t an option, detach the gas hose and regulator from the oven and store these components indoors.
Always disconnect the regulator from the gas bottle when the oven is not in use, especially in cold weather, to prevent pressure build-up, fluctuations, and potential freezing.
5. Avoid Kinks and Bends
Ensure the hose is not kinked, twisted, or bent during use or storage, as this can create weak spots and shorten its lifespan.
For safe operation when connecting to a gas bottle, the hose should trail away from the oven and must never run underneath it. Avoid allowing the hose to touch the oven or wrap around the rear leg, as contact with hot surfaces can cause the hose to melt
6. Regulator and Hose Replacement
Hose and Regulators will generally have a recommended date of expiry and when these should be replaced. Some countries will require hoses to be replaced after a period of time, but despite this, never assume your gas hose is still within its recommended lifespan and always regularly check your hose even if it seems to be in good condition, replace it periodically to avoid unexpected failures.
It's important to take care when replacing a hose on your Ooni pizza oven, as without the correct tools and technique, it may lead to damages. For more information on how to detach and attach a hose, see here: How do I attach and detach my gas hose?